Coaching by Jess

Selfcare, self-worth and self-love is a powerful foundation for this world to be built on. When we stepup and consciously decide to change our own physiology by shifting our ways of thinking we don’t only heal ourselves, but we heal up to 7 generations to follow. F%#king SEVEN GENERATIONS TO FOLLOW!

This is why each and every one of us NEEDS to step up and start playing at this game of life at a higher fucking level.

So how the fk do we do that?

You invest in yourself and you TRUST that there is more for you and you go grab it with both hands, jump in and say I’m ready Jess.

Alternatively go an find another kick-ass, no bullshit, shape shifting, game changing coach like me. The point is, this world needs to start raising to a higher level of vibration and it starts with each of us doing our own internal work. Nobody can un-f#*k your thinking except you… but I can help you get there was faster!

Toot toot, yep that was me tooting my own damn horn because I love what I do, I work very f#%king hard in my craft and I am mission driven to be a woman who’s responsible for a ripple effect that means more children in this world have parents handing that baton down with grace and conviction. Instead of handing down baggage, habits and traits we don’t want to carry.

I coach women on how to reach their full kick-ass potential through an array of offerings. You either start with my online modules  which have been known to CHANGE LIVES… toot toot!

Alternatively dive in deep and attend one of my personal development retreats where you get to connect with other epic humans, eat incredible food, experience some deep shifts in your belief systems and build you self-worth and vision for the future to a new level. Add on top of this daily meditation, yoga practice, sunrise ocean swims, vino and so much more… The info for this is here…

Even better, next level, PLAY FULL OUT… and have me on speed dial for the next 6-12 months. That means next level accountability coaching, not for the faint hearted, but I will lovingly kick your ass and help you change your life and transform your business, career, relationships and selflove to the next level.

I know people love my approach because I speak from experience and raw honesty instead of text books. I’m upfront and honest, real and vulnerable. I don’t f#*k around, I’m far from perfect and I don’t aim to be. I give you my all and that’s hard to find these days in the coaching and mentoring space.

My podcast, The Abundance Hub (find it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify) is a verbal diary of my experiences wrapped up alongside free coaching and learning tools. I swear a lot but you guys seem to like it and just recently it hit number 11 in the self improvement category for Australia and I’m very f*%king proud of this too. None of it is scripted, I wing it and be real, that’s it.

I coach women to move fast towards their full potential. My only question to you is “Are you next?”

They say if you do what you love you will never work a day in your life, but I believe that when you know what true fulfilment in your work looks like you will work harder than anyone you know.

There is no rest for those who are driven and wildly inspired.


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